Highcliffe Lodge No. 8054 is a friendly Masonic Lodge that meets at Christchurch Masonic Centre, Warren Avenue, Christchurch, BH23 3JY on the 2nd Wednesday of October, November, December, January, February, March, April and May.

Please take a look at our website where you will find information about Highcliffe Lodge No. 8054 and also Freemasonry in general, as well as contact details should you wish to get in touch with us.

View of Temple at Christchurch Masonic Centre
Master of Highcliffe Lodge 8054 with his Officers

If you feel you might be interested in joining Highcliffe Lodge and would like to talk to someone in person, or if you are a Freemason and would like to attend one of our Lodge meetings as a visitor, please get in touch using the contact details below.

Highcliffe Lodge logo
Tel:07802 869542
Provincial Grand Lodge of Hampshire and Isle of Wight logo